I just watched a very interesting movie.
Christine is a 2016 bio- pic/ drama about the suicide of Christine Chubbick and the events leading up to it. I thought it was very well...
Christine is a 2016 bio- pic/ drama about the suicide of Christine Chubbick and the events leading up to it. I thought it was very well...
Iḿ going to an award show tomorrow where I am eligible to win something. I served as a techie for theater programś show this year and...
Godzilla: King of the Monsters is almost here, AND I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!! I have waited three and a half years for this movie and it looks...
I want to make The Crappy Internet Show special, which is why I haven't put out a first episode yet, when I make it I wanna make sure...
It’s five thirty, I just woke up from a nightmare, it was about her again, her death. It’s August first, one year ago today she died....
I've been in high school for damn well near a year now and I can confidently say, without a shadow of a fucking doubt that high school...
My Gramma had two cats, Snory and Kahn, they recently passed away. I know that their just my grandparents cats but it's more than that....
Welp, he exists. Let me be clear, I'm not fully caught up with nor did I pay pay attention to the copyright drama, however from what I...
I just went on the Warner Brothers. Pictures YouTube channel and apparently as of me posting this The Beautiful TV Spot for Godzilla:...
I've been sick for the past FOUR FRICKIN' WEEKS, and because of that I haven't made any videos with my face or voice. I getting better...
Within two days of posting my second YouTube Poop, the Hitler SpongeBob one, I got into a copyright cluster fuck. I am not sure if I...
Sorry I haven't posted in while, I've been working on quite a few projects. So I can be consistent I have decided to make a post on my...
If you haven't seen the Godzilla II: King of the Monsters 2019 trailer..... watch it, now. I saw it, I have made several videos on it. I...
This epic fan art my the legend MATT FRANK. This is some serious sh*t, and it's f*ckin' AWESOME!!
A nice piece of fan art featuring Godzilla and Bialontte. Pretty damn cool.
As well as the three main series' I will also be doing skits/ short films, vlogs as I already mentioned, and when I see a recent movie I...
The Mr. Picklez channel is a place where I can express myself creatively. Whether it be to make people laugh, because I have a great...